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Are you considering abortion?
Get answers.
No judgment.
At Little Way, we understand that life doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would. Little Way’s compassionate staff of nurses, sonographers, and client advocates are here to help.
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Are you considering abortion?
Get answers.
No judgment.
At Little Way, we understand that life doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would. Little Way’s compassionate staff of nurses, sonographers, and client advocates are here to help.
Call us now
As with any major medical procedure, you probably have questions. We can help provide answers:
How far along am I?
An ultrasound is the best tool to determine gestational age, which will play an important role in discussing abortion procedures and pregnancy options.
Do I need an abortion? Is my pregnancy viable?
Maybe your pregnancy test was positive… but is your pregnancy viable? 1 in 5 pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Little Way provides ultrasounds to determine viability; this is a great first step.
How will an abortion affect my health?
Abortion is considered a major medical procedure, and there are common side effects, both physical and emotional. It’s important to understand that there are two types of abortion, medical (also called the abortion pill) and surgical, and both have their own unique risks. Educating yourself on abortion procedures and side effects will help you make the best decision for yourself. Schedule an appointment to discuss.
Is it important to get an ultrasound before an abortion?
Yes, it is highly recommended for a couple reasons. There are two types of abortion, so determining how far along you are will help you know which abortion options are available. Also, an ultrasound can determine pregnancy viability. At Little Way, an ultrasound is available at no cost to you and can provide a wealth of information about your pregnancy.
Do I need to be tested for STI’s before an abortion?
Yes. Being tested (and treated if needed) for sexually transmitted infections is very important before an abortion to prevent potential spread of infection to the uterus. We can provide this service as well.
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This information is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice. Little Way does not offer ongoing prenatal care, perform or refer for abortions, nor place for adoptions.