An unexpected pregnancy can send you into a panic. Take a deep breath…. You’re not alone. Little Way is here for you.
A great first step involves taking the time to be educated about your options (Parenting, Adoption, Abortion) and truly considering how each is likely to impact you.
Adoption may not be something you’ve thought about (or it may be the one option you’ve said absolutely no to), but it might be something to consider. If you’re not ready to parent, adoption can be a beautiful option, even a refuge, where you can receive a great deal of support and flexibility while being in control of the process. You get to be in the driver’s seat. You are the one making the decisions.
Choices within Adoption
Birth Mothers get to choose the family that will parent their child. They also decide how open they want the relationship to be with their child and the adoptive family:
- open adoption (ongoing contact between birth family and adoptive family)
- semi-open (exchange of letters and pictures with no in-person contact)
- closed adoption (usually anonymous with little or no personal information shared).
You have the ability to choose what works best for you and your situation.
Support Available
Birth parents can work with a licensed agency, independent adoption attorney, or facilitator.
Some adoption agencies provide assistance with prenatal support, housing, living and medical expenses. Services such as counseling and planning for the future are often provided as well.
Most state laws require that the final decision to place a child for adoption be made after the baby is born. You decide when you are ready. No pressure. No rush.
Let’s be real…adoption is complex, emotional, and not without a measure of heartbreak. It is not easy to deny the biological instinct to nurture a newborn baby, but it is softened by the overwhelming desire to provide a son or daughter the most optimal life. You also have the opportunity to help many adoptive parents who struggle with years of infertility or miscarriage.
- For every one child placed for adoption, there are 36 couples waiting.
- Open adoption is the most common form of adoption in the United States.
- You can create a plan to ensure that all your medical bills are covered.
- One out of every 25 U.S. families has an adopted child.
- 40% of adopted children are of a different race, culture or ethnicity than one or both of their adoptive parents.
A great first step is to find a trusted place where you can ask questions and share your thoughts. Adoption just might be your answer.
MEET ADRIANNE – a birth mom who also was once searching for the best choice for herself.
If you would like more information about adoption or if you need to find out the status of your own pregnancy (how far along you are, whether you are likely to miscarry, or to determine if the pregnancy is located in the uterus), Little Way provides ultrasounds and education free of charge. We offer a safe place for you to talk about what is on your mind. Make an appointment today. We are here for you.
* Referenced statistics from Brave Love – For additional adoption testimonies and information, visit
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