It’s true! In life, you have a lot of choices. You get to choose what you want to eat, who you want to spend your time with, the type of person you want to be, what degree you’ll get, and the list goes on. However, we believe that one of the most important choices that you have in your life is how you react when life throws you a curve ball.
Have you ever dropped your phone? And cracked the screen? OUCH!
Backed your car into something that seemed to jump out of nowhere?
Bombed a test? When you knew you could have done better.
Said something that you regretted? That hurt someone’s feelings? Sigh!
Okay, if you haven’t done any of the above, we need to learn from you! But seriously. We all make mistakes. Right? We are sure there have been times when you really wished you could go backwards to the 5 seconds before the act or decision and just change course. While that’s a great thought, you can’t. You are human, and you make mistakes. WE ALL DO!
How we handle Life
How you handle curve balls and mistakes will play a big role in determining the quality of life that you live. So, if something super stressful happens to you…like backing into your sister’s car. DANG! That really, truly stinks. So, maybe you get mad for just a minute (or two), but then what!? Remember, as with every negative situation, life goes on. Shake it off, hold your head up, forgive yourself and others, and do the next right thing! And if you’re not sure what that is, then seek wise counsel. What’s that? Those people in your life who seem to make good choices, who have a peace about them, and who want what’s best for you.
All we are saying is, what life would you be living if after each negative situation, you broke down, crawled into a dark place, got into a funk for days or weeks, and then by the time you worked through it, something else could possibly happen. We aren’t saying that life is bad. It is not, it’s beautiful. But we all know that life isn’t always sunshine. Storms happen. It’s life. So, the sooner you learn to react positively, the better you’ll be. (I will get through this. It’s going to be ok.) And OH, the peace that will follow!
What next?
So, if you find yourself in an unplanned pregnancy, don’t beat yourself up. Reach out to those who truly care about you and can answer your questions (without judgement). Little Way’s team of nurses, sonographers, and client advocates is here to help. We can provide you with the medical services, options education (parenting, abortion, and adoption), and the support you need to make the best decision for yourself. So, hold your head up! And let’s move forward!
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