thinking about an ultrasound at LittleWay

Your Ultrasound at Little Way

So you’re pretty sure you are pregnant, but there are still a lot of unknowns. Like how far along am I?  Is my pregnancy viable? And what if it is? Can I parent a child right now?  Should I consider abortion? Or maybe adoption?  Coming to Little Way for an ultrasound and to get the facts is a great first step.  You may be wondering what’s going to happen during my ultrasound appointment? Am I going to freak them out with my 4̶6̶1̶  questions?! Let us shed a little light on what to expect at Little Way.

During your appointment

Firstly, we start all of our clients with a pregnancy test appointment.  Then if that test is positive, and depending on answers to some basic medical questions, we will do our best to get you in for an ultrasound on the same day. 

You will also receive any needed information regarding your pregnancy. Maybe you need tips for a healthy pregnancy, or you’re leaning towards abortion and want to know more about how abortion procedures work. We got you.  Maybe you’re interested in making an adoption plan… these are all things we can help with! 

Whether we do your ultrasound the same day or schedule you to come back for a second appointment, your ultrasound may be done a couple of ways: 


In an abdominal scan, a doppler is used to scan throughout your lower abdomen and pelvis. This helps your nurse see anatomy like your uterus (and what’s in it), pelvis, and bladder (and yep, if you drank a 32oz diet coke before your appointment we can totally tell. ? #fullbladder). 


If your nurse cannot see everything needed abdominally, then she may offer a vaginal scan. This may sound weird, but it is similar to putting in a tampon! This is totally optional. You can always decide to just return for another abdominal scan after your pregnancy progresses a bit.  In a vaginal scan, a small medical probe is inserted and typically you can see much more clearly than an abdominal scan – especially if you are in the early stages of pregnancy. You’ll be completely covered up and no one is allowed in the ultrasound room without your permission.

P L A C E M E N T 

Where your pregnancy is developing is super important. Though rare, around 200,000 pregnancies each year develop outside of the uterus which is extremely dangerous. An ultrasound can help rule out an ectopic pregnancy, which can be a medical emergency.

V I A B I L I T Y 

Did you know over 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage? ? An ultrasound shows us if your pregnancy is developing as expected. While placement ⬆️ is important, an ultrasound can also show the presence of a yolk sac as well as a fetal heartbeat. 

G E S T A T I O N A L  •  A G E

Learning how far along you are is one of our main goals during an ultrasound. Knowing gestational age and basic education on development are especially helpful if you are trying to figure out your options (adoption, abortion, or parenting).  For instance, there are different abortion procedures available at different gestational ages.  

If you’re pregnant (excited or not) then receiving an ultrasound at Little Way could be one of the most important things you do. There are numerous medical reasons, personal reasons, and educational reasons for having an early ultrasound.

Bottom line: your ultrasound will be an informative, thorough experience, and even though you may be stressed about this pregnancy, we will do our best to make your appointment a pleasant experience.

Other questions? Let’s take a stab at them?

Who can come?

Maybe you want to come alone. However, you may want your best friend there or the father of the baby.  Maybe you want company during an abdominal scan but want some privacy during a vaginal scan. All totally fine!

What if I don’t want anyone to know I’m at Little Way?

Unless you tell someone, your appointment, results, and information are 100% confidential on our end. We won’t even call you without your permission.

Do I get ultrasound pictures?

Some people want pictures from their ultrasound. We are happy to provide those! Some do not, that’s fine too.

What if I have other questions? 

Ask away, that’s what we’re here for. When you leave this appointment with us, we want you to be confident about your decision.

As women, we’re always up for education about what is happening in our bodies, so make your free appointment today!

Appointments // Free Services // Your Options // Abortion Info

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