Woman using computer to learn about the abortion pill reversal

Change of Heart? Abortion Pill Reversal

If you’re researching information on Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), kudos to you! Education is empowering and can help you make the best decisions for yourself!  But also, if you’re Googling APR we understand that this can be a heart-wrenching place to be.  Rest assured that we are here to help. We work with women every day who are facing unexpected …

A man hugging a woman after finding out that she's pregnant.


As the Father of the Baby, you may be asking, “What is my role?”  Good for you, for researching ways you can help her as well as how you fit into this decision.  There are choices we make every day, but when it comes to an unexpected pregnancy, this is what we call a life decision, because it will impact …

Three trendy cool hipster girls, friends drink cocktail in urban city background.

You were made to THRIVE!

Is it just us or does life often feel overwhelming? Now more than ever we must take steps to make sure we are thriving – living our healthiest and happiest lives regardless of what is going on around us. At Little Way, we know we are at our best when we take care of every part of our health: body, …

Woman looking at abortion pill information online

Abortion Pill Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re researching information on abortion methods, whether it’s for you, a friend, or a loved one, take a deep breath in and let it out slowly.  You’ve found an organization whose main purpose is to work with people in shoes that look a lot like yours. And can I say, good for you for doing your homework; education is …

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life!

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life!

It’s true! In life, you have a lot of choices. You get to choose what you want to eat, who you want to spend your time with, the type of person you want to be, what degree you’ll get, and the list goes on. However, we believe that one of the most important choices that you have in your life …

Young woman talking to Little Way staff about abortion advice in Louisville Kentucky

Abortion Advice: Things you should know!

Finding out you’re pregnant, when you’re not ready, can put you through a rollercoaster of emotions and leave you completely overwhelmed. Who can you talk to? What should you know? Where do you go? What should your next step be? Take a deep breath; we can help. If you’re considering abortion, here’s some advice. Who can you talk to? It …

Is my relationship healthy?

Is my relationship healthy?

A healthy relationship is one that involves trust, respect, and communication. It is important to regularly take an honest look at our relationships and assess what aspects are good, where we might need improvement, or if some intervention may be in order. IS IT REALLY LOVE? How do you know if it is really true love?  Often, we thought we …

Woman looking off to the right thinking about something. Text to the right that asks "Does and STD/STI matter when considering abortion."

Does an STD/STI Matter When Considering Abortion?

The answer is “Absolutely!,” but since Little Way is about educating and empowering women, let’s take a step back and define what an STD/STI is. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), formerly referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are passed between individuals during sexual activity and contact (including oral sex as well). There are several kinds of STIs, each with different …

undecided about an abortion

Dear future patient who is undecided about an abortion

If you just found out you’re pregnant, and you’re online searching for “abortion near me” hoping to gain some clarity, we’re glad you found us because we believe we’re your best option in Louisville! Undecided about an abortion? Then you deserve the opportunity to make an informed decision about your unplanned pregnancy in a low-pressure, non-judgmental environment, which we know …

woman looking for an abortion in louisville on her phone while riding a train

Tips When Looking for an Abortion in Louisville

Abortion is a topic that most have an opinion about, and when you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, those opinions can get even louder. This makes us quietly go online for the abortion info we are looking for. There’s definitely no shortage of information online for abortion options (like the abortion pill or surgical abortion), but how do you know if …