Abortion Treatment Checklist

We understand that life doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would. If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, Little Way’s compassionate staff of nurses, sonographers, and client advocates is here to help.  If you are leaning towards abortion, you probably have questions. We can help provide answers as well as important medical services necessary to understand your …


You are a wonderful friend.  We all need someone like you in our corner when we feel vulnerable, fearful, and conflicted. Your willingness to step up and help will greatly aid in putting your friend at ease knowing she is not alone and has a confidante with her best interest at heart. Sometimes there is a rush to make decisions. …

Is Abortion Legal in Kentucky?

If you are researching this question because you find yourself facing an unexpected pregnancy, take a deep breath – seriously – a deep breath in and out – and know that you have found a place that will answer your questions and help you any way we can, including free medical services like pregnancy tests and ultrasounds…more about that in …


An unexpected pregnancy can send you into a panic. Take a deep breath…. You’re not alone. Little Way is here for you. A great first step involves taking the time to be educated about your options (Parenting, Adoption, Abortion) and truly considering how each is likely to impact you. Adoption may not be something you’ve thought about (or it may …

ECTOPIC PREGNANCY? VIABILITY? MISCARRIAGE? How do these impact an abortion plan?

Maybe your pregnancy test was positive…but is your pregnancy viable? That is a great question, and the answer can change EVERYTHING about your pregnancy plan, whether you are considering abortion, adoption, or parenting.  You might not need to decide at all. Having an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, and when you start hearing terms like ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or viability …

Woman using computer to learn about the abortion pill reversal

Change of Heart? Abortion Pill Reversal

If you’re researching information on Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), kudos to you! Education is empowering and can help you make the best decisions for yourself!  But also, if you’re Googling APR we understand that this can be a heart-wrenching place to be.  Rest assured that we are here to help. We work with women every day who are facing unexpected …

A man hugging a woman after finding out that she's pregnant.


As the Father of the Baby, you may be asking, “What is my role?”  Good for you, for researching ways you can help her as well as how you fit into this decision.  There are choices we make every day, but when it comes to an unexpected pregnancy, this is what we call a life decision, because it will impact …

Three trendy cool hipster girls, friends drink cocktail in urban city background.

You were made to THRIVE!

Is it just us or does life often feel overwhelming? Now more than ever we must take steps to make sure we are thriving – living our healthiest and happiest lives regardless of what is going on around us. At Little Way, we know we are at our best when we take care of every part of our health: body, …

Woman looking at abortion pill information online

Abortion Pill Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re researching information on abortion methods, whether it’s for you, a friend, or a loved one, take a deep breath in and let it out slowly.  You’ve found an organization whose main purpose is to work with people in shoes that look a lot like yours. And can I say, good for you for doing your homework; education is …

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life!

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life!

It’s true! In life, you have a lot of choices. You get to choose what you want to eat, who you want to spend your time with, the type of person you want to be, what degree you’ll get, and the list goes on. However, we believe that one of the most important choices that you have in your life …