like a mother photo

Like a mother.

When I saw this Gatorade ad, Like a Mother, about Serena Williams’ return to tennis and success after motherhood, it resonated with me. We’ve all heard it… “Kids change everything!” …cue anxiety about no more date nights, stepping on legos barefoot, and kissing sleep goodbye. If you are deciding whether or not to become a mother: YES, things will certainly …

happy mother's day

Happy Mother’s Day.

To all the mamas, You are strong. You are sweet. You are so incredibly brave. This Mother’s Day, if you are feeling overlooked or unimportant, just remember you have the most important job in the whole world. Another soul has been entrusted to you. If that’s not beautiful, we don’t know what is. From the very start, you’ve hit your …

Why should you get an ultrasound ASAP

Why You Should Get an Ultrasound

If you’re pregnant, excited or not, receiving a free ultrasound at Little Way could be one of the most important things that you do. There are countless medical reasons, personal reasons, and educational reasons for having an early ultrasound, especially if you are unsure what to do about being pregnant. Plus, as women, we’re always up for education about what …'re pregnant're pregnant.

Deep breaths. Tissues. Chocolate. More chocolate. Freezing Google with your 164 questions. Finding out you’re pregnant when you don’t want to be is terrifying. Ever felt the pit of your stomach drop out? It’s like that… times 100. But know your life is not over- even though it will change…no matter what you do. So let’s get practical and talk …